Mighty MERP NJ Law Podcast

The Inspiring Journey From Public Defender to Successful Lawyer and Entrepreneur

Mighty MERP ⚖️ welcomes attorney / entrepreneur, Tracy Fredrick

Tracy Frederick, a former public defender and federal defender, shares her journey from practicing law to becoming a coach and co-founding Go Limitless Retreats.

Tracy discusses the challenges of balancing a legal career with motherhood and the importance of recognizing when it's time to make a change. She emphasizes the need for women to prioritize self-care and create a more manageable work-life balance.

Balancing a legal career and motherhood can be challenging, and it's important to prioritize self-care and create a manageable work-life balance.

Recognizing when it's time to make a change and pivot in your career is crucial for personal and professional fulfillment.

Women often feel pressure to do it all, but it's important to set realistic expectations and focus on what truly matters.

Taking time for self-reflection and self-care is essential for maintaining mental and emotional well-being.

Retreats can provide a valuable opportunity to recharge, gain clarity, and make positive changes in your life. Building a law firm requires dedication and a focus on marketing.

Taking care of aging parents can be challenging and unexpected.

High-achieving women often neglect self-care and need to prioritize their own well-being.

College students considering law school should shadow someone in the field to gain a better understanding of the profession.


00:00 Introduction

00:48 Tracy's Legal Career

02:25 Transition from State to Federal Public Defender

05:22 Differences between State and Federal Defense Work

09:49 Balancing Career and Motherhood

17:54 Pivoting Away from Law Practice

25:28 Transition to Coaching

27:57 Go Limitless Retreats

34:53 The Pressure to Do It All

38:20 Recognizing the Need for Change

43:18 Living in New Hampshire and Retreat Expansion

44:37 Building a Law Firm and Balancing Responsibilities

46:19 Taking Care of Aging Parents

48:45 The Importance of Self-Care for High-Achieving Women

50:09 Advice for College Students Considering Law School

51:51 Crazy Courtroom Stories

53:57 Closing Remarks and Well Wishes

⚖️ Follow the podcast: ⁠https://mightymerp.com⁠

⚖️ Law Office of Melissa Rosenblum: ⁠https://www.mrp-law.com/⁠

Niche Podcast Info: ⁠https://nichepodcastpodcast.com